Discipleship Winter Reunion 2022

UPDATE: Tubing tickets are now sold out, but you can still join us for all the events to follow (7:00-10:30pm). Due to the sell-out a few people are skiing instead, and those tickets are still available if you’re interested.

We are once again delighted to invite you to the 7th annual Winter Reunion. Yes, that’s a new name because we are doing something different! This year’s format starts off with tubing at Cascade Mountain in Portage, Wisconsin. But depending on your schedule you are welcome to join us at any point during the day (see schedule details below).

When: Saturday, February 26, 2022 @ 4pm
Where: See details below for schedule and itinerary.
Cost: There is no additional cost other than your own expenses.

Note: You will need to purchase your own tubing ticket separately. See instructions below.

Critical to know

  • In order to go tubing you must purchase your own ticket from Cascade Mountain (approx. $38).

  • Tickets will sell out fast, so buy them ASAP (aka NOW) if you plan to tube with us 🙂

  • We are buying tubing tickets for the 4:30-6:30pm slot on February 26th.

  • Also, buy your ticket now at the Cascade Mountain website.

  • Don’t forget to buy your ticket IMMEDIATELY.

Bringing friends

You are more than welcome to invite friends who would enjoy spending time with us. Just please be sure to indicate any additional guests when you fill out the RSVP form so we can plan accordingly.

Schedule & Itinerary

Discipleship Winter Reunion
Saturday, February 26, 2022 @ 4pm

Meet us in the parking lot at Cascade Mountain (we will text you are exact location).

4:00-6:30pm (Tubing)
Cascade Mountain (Buy Your Ticket)
W10441 Cascade Mountain Rd.
Portage, WI 53901

7:00-8:30pm (Supper)
4910 Co Rd V.
DeForest, WI 53532

8:30-10:30pm (After Party)
Discussion, fellowship, and games.
429 Trailside Drive
Deforest, WI 53532